Our Approach

Leading thinkers in Israel Education were assembled to develop an approach to understanding conflicts in Israel, built upon strong educational pillars, framing values, and engaging content.
Conflicts are a part of the human condition on all levels, every part of society, human history, and any age. How do we engage with conflicts in an educational way?
Our approach seeks to understand conflict in a broader context and help educators connect through themes and concepts that have relevance and meaning to their learners.
The ongoing tension between Arabs, Jews, Palestinians, and the Jewish State—while the subject of much of this content—is not the only way in which to understand life in Israel.
Educational Pillars

Approaching Conflicts provides a learner-centered approach for engaging with the complexities of the conflict. It emphasizes relationship building, identity formation, and critical thinking—a reasoned, reflective and higher order thinking. These techniques provide a means for addressing ambiguity when confronting difficult issues. This inquiry and deliberation based pedagogical approach allows for a broad representation of diverse ideas, viewpoints, and narratives on a range of issues. It also encourages learners to reflect on and develop perspectives on complex issues arising in Israel today.
Approaching Conflicts is:
- Thematic & Values Driven
- Inquiry Based & Learner Centered
- Focused on Identity Development
- Exploring Moral & Ethical Response
- Engaged in Diverse Narratives & Perspective-Taking
- Encouraging Dialogue & Deliberation
- Modeling Cooperative Learning
- Timely & Timeless
- Immersive & Integrated
Framing Values

Approaching Conflicts frames content within larger values which have both timely and timeless attributes. Examples of these themes include:
- Empathy & Understanding: Engaging Diverse Narratives
- The Sanctity of Life: Making Moral Decisions in Complex Situations
- Home & Homeland: What Makes a Home?
- Remembrance & Retelling: Conflicts in the Memory of a People & A Nation
- Plurality and Division: Between Unity & Uniformity
- Pursuit of Peace: Dreams vs. Realities, Hopes vs. Limitation